About our eSortcode.com service

What functions does eSortcode provide?

  • ValidateAccount - This function is used to Validate a UK Bank Sortcode and Account Number.
  • BranchDetails - This function is used to return the Branch Details for a Sort Code.
  • ExtendedBranchDetails - This function is used to return the Branch Details for a Sort Code and includes the Faster Payments Service information (EISCD).
  • ExtendedBranchDetails_AllBranches - This function is used to return the Branch Details, including sub branch details, for a Sort Code and includes the Faster Payments Service information (EISCD).
  • StandardiseAccount - This function is used to transpose Non-standard (i.e. 6, 7, 9 & 10 digit) Account Numbers into Standard (i.e. 8 digit) Account Numbers (This service is free)
  • ValidateAccountGetBranchDetails - This function incorporates the StandardiseAccount, ValidateAccount and BranchDetails web services into one web service
  • ValidateAccountGetExtendedBranchDetails - This function incorporates the StandardiseAccount, ValidateAccount and BranchDetails web services into one web service and includes Faster Payments Service Information (EISCD)
  • ValidateCreditCard - This function is used to Validate a Credit Card Number.

So, what are the benefits?

  • Easy To Use - All you need is a connection to the Internet and you can start to use the eSortcode service today.
  • Low Cost - Each lookup or validation uses one credit and costs as little as 2p.
  • Saves Time & Money - Using eSortcode ensures reliable and correct bank account details at point of data capture - saving you time and money fixing costly mistakes.
  • Secure - The web service uses the industry standard SSL security protocol.
  • Managed Database - All data is managed and updated by the eSortcode team at our data-centres.
  • Anytime -Anywhere - As long as you have signed up for an account you can use the webservice anywhere in the world at any time - day or night.
  • Integrates With All Technologies - eSortcode uses the latest xml web service technology allowing users to integrate the service with any platform.
  • Code Samples - To help developers get started there are a number of code samples and downloads using different technologies.

Like what you see? Why not sign-up now?

  • Sign up now - We are giving away 50 free credits when you sign up. Why not sign up now and see eSortcode in action in our online demos

Please note that in order to use the IPSO data and to validate Irish Sortcodes and Account numbers, it is necessary to purchase an additional license for a cost of £250+VAT. This license is only required once, and will remain available to the organisation as long as a credit pack remains active. Please call for further information.

eSortcode.com is The Smart Way™